Add Business
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This is where you can add your Brantford business to our directory.

You company can be added to our directory as a business card.  There are a few guidelines that you must be aware of:

  1. Only one business card per company.
  2. The size of the card will be adjusted to fit into a 270 x 150 pixel rectangle.
  3. Cards which use very complex graphics might require a small charge to simplify.
  4. The head office of the business must be in Brantford.
  5. Otherwise the listing is free.
  6. We reserve the right to accept or decline any card for publication in our directory without explanation.
  7. In the absence of a card we can include a simple text listing based on the information included below.


bulletPlease provide the following contact information:
Postal Code
Work Phone
Home Phone

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Copyright 1998 by Aquilifer, all rights reserved
 Last revised: February 11, 2003