Cox Laundry Services - Miro Borsuk
a full service lundry, linen and uniform program
189 Erie Ave Brantford Ont N3S 2G8
Tel 519-752-6183
Res 519-756-2858
Fax 519-752-5131
Mobile 519-754-6105
cls@worldchat.com |
Pep Squeaks - Irene
Light house-cleaning
excellent service
weekly / bi-weekly / monthly rates
reasonable rates
Labbe's Cleaning Service
Paris, Ontario
complete janitorial services
Nightly, Weekly or Monthly
Fully bonded and insured519-442-7209 |
Come Home Clean -
Dave & Hollie
376 Harley Road RR2 Harley Ontario N0E 1E0
We clean your new home after they move out and before you move in We are available
24 hours a day on your closing date
Don't move into someone else's mess! Come home to a clean, fresh environment
P/F 519-424-3147
maxthom@oxford.net |
Inside Out
Janitorial & Maintenance
Ruth-Anne Berardi
Tel 519 757-1758
Res 519 756-3444
E-mail tbminnow@sympatico.ca |