Miscellaneous Manufacturing

    When you contact one of our companies, let them know that you saw their business card here.

belair.gif (7267 bytes)

Belair Recreational Products Inc.
Mike Hexamer
18 Spalding Drive  Brantford  N3T 6H2

Tel 519-752-7529
Tel 800-387-6318
Fax 519-752-6875


smithy.jpg (6589 bytes) The Village Blacksmith & Wrought Iron Works
Robert Young

150Chestnut Avenue  Brantford Ontario  N3T 4E1

Fax 519-751-7665
Tel 519-754-5444

hidden.jpg (6210 bytes) Hidden Suites Wallbeds
At night they come out of the woodwork!
Double the use of any room.  Turn offides and living rooms into guest suites.   Childrens' rooms become play areas.

111 Sherwood Drive   Brantford Ontario N3T 5W5

Dorion or Lee

Tel 519-757-0373
Fax 519-759-0937


Nativestone.jpg (5954 bytes) Mohawk Rock Manufacturing

Native Stone - Douglas Summerhayes Marketing

PO Box 194 Ohseken  Ontario  N0A 1M0

Res 519-753-6082
Tel  519-445-4766
Tol  888-GO4-ROC1
Fax 519-445-4810


Slacan  a Division of Tridem Industries Inc.
ISO 9001 Registered
Bryne Emeneau  Business Development Manager
145 Roy Blvd  Brantford  Ontario N3T 6E3
Tel. 519-758-8888 Ext 303
Fax, 519-758-1881
Cell  905-302-0481
e-mail:  bryne@slacan.com
Melnor Canada Ltd
Jim Peter  Shipping & Receiving Manager

80 Morton Ave East  Brantford ON  N3T 5T3

Tel  (519) 756-2600
Fax  (519) 756-2609
E-mail  melnor@worldchat.com

Atlas Hydraulics Inc
Frank Beattie  Material Control/Systems Manager

63 Morton Ave East  Brantford  ON  N3T 5M3
Tel (519) 756-8210
Dir         756-7781 Ext 237
Fax (519) 756-7961
E-mail atlashyd@brant.net

